
Friday, March 21, 2014

How to Save Big with Blurb:Blurb can make your Instagram/Facebook photos into beautiful tangible memories in a few short minutes. Or you can write that children's book you've been dying to get started on for years...and even sell it on Blurb's website! If that doesn't appeal to you, you can make an inspired recipe book. You starting to catch my drift? The possibilities are endless and there are a few great deals you can cash in on right now. Use the links below to get started:

Save 25% on print book orders of $75+ at Blurb (Good through , only 1 more week! 3/26/14)
Save 15% on all print book orders. (Good until 4/30/14)

These are such great offers.  I love Blurb and I think it's great to be able to put all of your ideas into a book.  I think that I may try my hand at a cookbook, or maybe natural beauty products.  So many things to choose from.

Have a great week creating you book.

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10 Drinks for Friday's Happy Hour from Pinterest

Today, I am featuring 10 Drinks for Friday's Happy Hour from Pinterest.  I pin so many pictures all of the time, I thought it would be nice to honor some of the great pictures and recipes that I find on Pinterest.  All of you are so amazing, so this week is for all of you.  These drinks are both with and without alcohol.

I hope that you enjoy these recipes and that one of them fits into your Happy Hour this week.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Make Your Own Coffee Table Book

How to make a fashion book with Blurb:Blurb is a cool company that lets you make books about anything that interests you. And if you’re interested in fashion and style—and love to show it off—making a book of your personal fashion is a fantastic way to capture your sartorial genius for all time. Whether you want it just for yourself, so you can look through your greatest hits, or you’re a bit of an Internet fashionista who wants to make a book to sell, you’ll find these tips pretty helpful:

1. It’s all about lighting. To make your fashion really pop, choose natural light or studio light with a soft box (you can even make one from a lamp and last season’s white t-shirt). If you’re using a flash, you’ll probably want to bounce it or stick a diffusion filter on it.

2. Make a shot list. This is a critical step, and even more important if you are photographing models. Even if your model is just your best friend who owes you a favor, they’ll appreciate it if you know exactly what you want to shoot. Think about the poses you want to capture, the outfits you want them to wear, and the details that you want to highlight in every shot. 

3. White balance (WB). Accurate color and skin tones come from making sure the WB function on your camera is set to your lighting situation. 

4. Choose the right lens/zoom setting. If you’re using a wide angle, you’re going to lose your beautiful lines (and your model may never forgive you). If you have a camera with different zoom levels, zoom out to minimize lens barrel distortion. 

5. Keep it stylish. It’s a fashion shoot, after all. Play music, keep things moving, try new angles. Attitude, attitude, attitude.

6. Dress it up. Make your book as fashionable as the clothing featured in it. Choose a simple design that doesn’t upstage the clothing, but still looks chic. Pick a size and paper type that showcases the work brilliantly.

If you’ve ever paid attention to what’s on the catwalk, you know that fashion means different things to different people. Follow your own fashion obsessions and document them in a fashionable book. If you look good today in person, imagine looking great forever on the printed page with Blurb! Start your Blurb book now and Save 25% on print book orders of $75+ at Blurb.

This is such a great idea, not only for fashion, but even travel books for pictures that you have taken on vacation, or books for grandma or grandpa for Mother's Day and Father's Day.  The sky is the limit with what you can do, and these are books that you can share with family and friends or even sell.  I love travel books and photography and this is such a fun idea.  I love pictures of doors and windows, and I'm thinking that would be a fun book idea.   Maybe an art book to sell.

The sky is the limit, so head over to Blurb and make your publishing dreams become a reality.

Have a great week.

This post is sponsored by Blurb

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party 81

We want to thank everyone who shared with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party 80.  We love seeing all of your posts.

We decided to change the party up a bit, and are now starting it at 6:00PM on Tuesday's.

Welcome to Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop 81.

We are happy to have you at this week's party.  We always love hearing from you, so leave your comments.
Have a great week.

Homemade Sunburn Lotion

Today I am sharing my recipe for Homemade Sunburn Lotion.  Last week in Florida, I got a bad sunburn.  I of course stupidly sat outside without sunscreen and this sunburn was a doozy.  Anyway, since I like to try to make my own beauty products, I headed over to the Whole Foods Body near my house and picked up some essential oils and other things that help with sunburns.  This Homemade Sunburn Lotion was better then anything I have ever bought in a store and it was pretty simple to make.  It will also go a long way.  I know some of the ingredients are a little more expensive, but they are worth it.

I made several different kinds, the first one made my forehead peel immediately.  Don't use witch hazel in a sunburn lotion, it will dry your skin out even more.  The version below is the second version I made, and it even turned my sunburn into a tan, and I have not peeled yet and it been about 10 days since I did such a stupid thing.  I don't know why I didn't put sunscreen on, but definitely don't do as I do, do as I say.

Homemade Sunburn Lotion


2 oz Aloe Vera Gel
1 tsp Herb Pharm Calendula oil
1 tsp Neem Oil
20 drops tea tree oil
1 TB Distilled water

Mix all ingredients with a whisk and pour into a container.  I would normally uses an amber or blue glass container, but unfortunately this whole foods didn't have any, so I had to pick up this plastic one at the dollar store.  Oh well!

Shake well before each use.

Apply to skin wherever needed, whenever needed.  I put it on several times a day, but at least morning and night.

The reason for the ingredients:

Aloe Vera Gel - Is known for its healing properties for the skin.  It's and analgesic, so it helps with pain (my sunburn).  An antipruritic - helps with itching from bites and burns.  It also helps with hydration.

Calendula Oil - Calendula is know for helping to heal wounds and minor infections skin.

Neem Oil - it's and anti inflammatory and an analgesic when applied to the skin.  Great for a sunburns

Tea Tree Oil - antiseptic properties

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

I used the distilled water to thin it out a little bit and add a little extra hydration for burned and dried out skin.

I hope that you like this Sunburn Lotion.
Have a great week.
Find us at these great parties

Monday, March 17, 2014

Unity in Ephesians 4:1 - 16 Bible Study

Today I will be writing about Unity in Ephesians 4:1 - 16 for our Bible Study.  I have been reading a book called The Secrets of Intercessory Prayer by Jack Hayford and it brought my attention to Ephesians 4:25 - 32, but as I was reading Ephesians 4:1-16 I was drawn to the word Unity in these verses.  I would love for you to read the verses down below and then I will share a little of what I have been reading with all of you.

First for the definition of unity.  I searched google and found several defintioins.  Very interesting.

1.  the state of being united or joined as a whole

  1. Unity is being together or at one with someone or something. It's the opposite of being divided.
These are just a couple of the definitions, but I think they really describe the meaning of the word.

My Bible (New Spirit Filled Bible) gives some additional information on the word unity.  

It says that unity comes from the Greek word henote.  Hen is the neuter of a word heis, meaning the word "one" 1*

Paul is telling us in these verses to keep the "unity of Spirit" and to come to the "unity of faith"  He is telling us in these verses that the Holy Spirit is the source of unity.  Paul is also telling us in verses 4-6 that in the church of Jesus there is only one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one Father and God of all.  That God is above all, through all, and in all.  

That's a pretty big deal.  So as we receive the Holy Spirit it not only brings us together with Christ and God, it also joins us with the body.  There is unity, a joining with the whole through the Spirit.

  The Spirit is who helps us overcome our proclavity self-centeredness, independance, and self-serving.  He draws us together with other believers and creates the miracle of oneness Jesus prayed for in John 17. 1*

I am so happy that you joined me today.
Have a Blessed week.

1. New Spirit Filled Life Bible - Jack Hayford