
Saturday, September 20, 2014

1st Adorned From Above Blog Hop and Jasmine Natural Face and Body Wash

Welcome to Blast From The Past Saturday.  Every Saturday I will be posting a previously published post, in order to take my weekends off.

===Originally posted May 29, 2012===

Today is the first week that I am doing a Tuesday Blog Hop, called Adorned From Above Blog Hop 1. The next Monday I will feature some of your great ideas in my post.

Your posts can include:
  • anything DIY
  • Recipes
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Book Reviews and Movie Reviews
  • Knitting and Crochet Ideas and Patterns
  • DIY Cleaning Solutions
  • Natural Beauty Product Recipes
  • Decorating Ideas
  • Thrifting

Bloggers, use the linky tool on the bottom of this post to share your best post. Non-bloggers, feel free to add a comment here with any ideas or thoughts you have.

Please link your posts back to my blog hop. Linking back here helps build our little community by sending your readers to all of the other posts shared.  Just create a text link somewhere in your post back to this blog.

Jasmine Face Wash and Ingredients
Now on to my favorite natural Jasmine Face and Body Wash Recipe.

I started making this face wash in February, and it is a great all purpose face wash.  It even removes makeup.  I was looking for something simple and natural, since I have skin allergies.  I also wanted something that did not have chemicals.  I looked at many recipes, and eventually decided to just make something that would clean my face and still moisturize my skin a little. It also works great as a body wash.

Jasmine Natural Face and Body Wash

8 oz Dr. Bonner's Baby-Mild Castille Soap
8 oz distilled water
1 TB Almond oil
20 drops jasmine fragrance
10 drops geranium essential oil

Put all ingredients in a bowl and whisk together.  Then pour into a pump bottle.

Rinse face with water and then use 1 squirt of face wash and start washing face.   I wash my face for approximately 1 minute, concentrating around my nose, chin, and forehead, then rinse well.

You can use a toner after if you like to close your pores, and then moisturize.  You can use my Anti-Aging Moisturizer.  The link is below.


  1. I cant wait to try this. Jasmine is my fave!thanks for sharing and iam off to check out your blog
    Kim@too much time

    1. Kim,
      I hope that you like the face and body wash. This is the only thing that I use to wash my face anymore. I am a convert. Jasmine is my favorite scent also. I think Wednesday's blog is a recipe for a jasmine scented oil, so check back.
      I hope you enjoy your Sunday.

    2. Looks very good! I would have a try.

  2. Sounds nice. Like you, I have become allergic to most 'commercial' type cosmetics, lotions and potions. I have switched to using only Dr. Bronners Castille soap for bathing and essential oils. I also use a lot of apple cider vinegar in my baths, with a personally mixed blend of oils to soften and protect the skin. It is UNbelievable the change in my skin, my ability to get out in the sun (I have Lupus) and the difference in how my skin feels to live in! I use mostly peppermint, rosemary, lavender for bathing, for facial pampering and even for scalp oil.

    1. I hope that you like this recipe. I will say prayers for you. I am happy that you are finding that there are products out there that help you feel better.
      God Bless You.

  3. Can I use a fragrance oil other than Jasmine? I have some Sweet Orange Oil that I love. Thank you for your replies!!

    1. You can use any essential oil that you like. I Sweet Orange is great. I have also used tangerine, and also spearmint and lavender. I love that last combination.
      Have fun playing with this. It should be fun.

  4. Thanks for the recipe. I must make it on this weekend because i can't wait to try this. I will bookmark and be back again..:)
    Skin Care

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by. I love this face wash. It works really well. Have a great week. Sorry it took me so long to answer.

  6. Where did you get the bottle this is dispensed in?

    1. Hi Alicia,
      I got the bottle at Target in the bathroom section. I hope that helps. Thanks so much for stopping by.

  7. Hey,
    I wanted to now how long is the life of the product?

    1. I'm sorry, since you're a no reply blogger I can't answer by email. I don't think I have had this sitting around any longer then 3 to 4 months. We use it fairly quickly, it may last longer, but I can't tell you for sure.
      Thanks so much for stopping by.

  8. Could I use castile bar soap and melt it down? If so, suggestions how to do this? I have 3 bars.

    1. I'm sorry, since you're a no reply blogger I can't answer by email. You could probably melt it down with about 4 cups of water, but that is just a guess. I haven't tried that before for this. I have melted the soap down for shave cream and shave soap, and I just use a small amount of water for that. Start with 2 cups and if it still seems too thick, then add more. I would also use distilled water to make sure that you don't get any bacteria in your soap.
      Let me know how this works.

  9. what size container do you use and does it have to be glass or plastic?

    1. Dear Christine,
      This makes about 18 ounces. I just used a hand soap bottle on that I got on sale from Target. It doesn't hold all of it. It is probably about 15 ounces. I just store the additional amount in bottle and then refill it as necessary.

      I hope you like it. Let me know what you think.

      Adorned From Above

  10. Your recipe gave me an idea to try Jojoba oil, since I have a bottle of it that needs to be used up. Then, I have some peppermint oil I might try. When I've tried to make soap from castile liquid, and put it in a pump bottle, it was to thin. Does the oil thicken it up? Thanks.


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