
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Look

Hi Everyone,

Sorry if there has been any inconvenience this morning with the blog.  I have been updating the page, and I was having a hard time adjusting the picture at the top. 

I do love this picture.  It was taken at a bazaar in Kusadasi, Turkey two years ago.  I really like the colors in the laterns.  The picture that I just took down was taken at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Palistine last September.  It is a beautiful church, and the closest thing that you can get to to the birthplace of Jesus.

Have a great day.  Sorry for any inconvenience that I may have caused.



  1. The colors are great. My sister spent a summer in Turkey many many years ago and brought back a few things that were just as colorful. So pretty and the patterns are much different than what we usually find here.

    1. Hi Marie,
      All of the colors are beautiful there. It just seems like all of the glassware, china, and fabris are amazing. Thank you for writing.

  2. Hi, Debi. Thanks for inviting me to your link party. You have interesting blog. I like the picture of lanterns.

    1. I'm so happy that you came over and check out my blog. Thanks for linking.


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