
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

DIY Natural All Purpose Cleaner

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Now on to my DIY Natural All Purpose Cleaner

So in my quest for natural cleaning product recipes I did some research for a DIY Natural All Purpose Cleaner.  I wanted it to have the cleaning capabilities of 409 or Fantastic, but be natural so that it would not bother my asthma.  I also wanted it to have anti bacterial properties.  In my research, I learned that vinegar is an anti bacterial, but I wanted something a little bit more, so I decided that whatever I made would also have either lemon or lemongrass essential oil for their anti bacterial properties.  Several of the recipes that I read had vinegar, water, and they added either borax or baking soda.  I decided that I wanted to add borax to my DIY Natural All Purpose Cleaner.   I did decide on lemongrass essential oil, since that was the first one I saw in my bag of tricks.  So everyone, here is a great recipe for.....

Debi's DIY Natural All Purpose Cleaner 

1/4 cup vinegar
2 TB borax
1/4 cup boiling water
3 1/2 cold cups water
20 drops lemongrass essential oil
1 4 cup spray bottle 


Mix borax in 1/4 cup boiling water.  Once dissolved, pour in a 4 cup spray bottle.  Add vinegar, cold water, and lemongrass essential oil to the spray bottle and shake.   Use the same way you would 409 or Fantastik

I hope that I have provided you with another green way to keeping your house clean.  I would love to hear from you.



  1. Hi Debi, I have been wanting to try some of these natural cleaners. I know some folks just use diluted white vinegar, but that does not appeal to me. Adding in the EO sounds pleasant. Is the borax the 20 mule team brand?

    1. Hi JoAnn,
      It is so easy to make, and I like them much better then store store bought. I don't like just using the distilled vinegar either. I don't like the smell. The essential oil not only helps with the smell, but does add the additional anti bacterial properties. Yes the borax is the 20 Mule Brand. Is there another brand? I have never been able to find any other brand. It was hard to find to start with. Only Walmart carried it around here.
      Thanks so much for visiting. I really appreciate it.
      Have a great week.

  2. I've always used the vinegar with Baking Soda - and although there has been a linger waft of "Fish & Chip Shop" odour about, it's not too strong or long-lasting! However, I've not used the lemon essential oil: sounds like a nice idea, so will look out for it. The vinegar and baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) is simply great for removing grease from the oven: I loathe that job more than any other in the house-keeping range!!

    1. Hi Isabel,
      The baking soda is a good idea. For natural cleaners, the choices were basically baking soda or borax. The borax is working well, but I will try baking soda next time. I do like adding the essential oils. It helps not only with scent, but also anti bacterial qualities. You can use any of the citrus essential oils or even tea tree oil.
      Thanks for visiting.

  3. What a great idea - I've been wanting to cut down on toxins and use something more natural - this is awesome. Thanks for sharing!

    Found your blog on the Naptime Review linkup - now following you via GFC and lookin' forward to reading more!


    1. Hi Erin,
      Thanks so much for following. That has been on of my main goals, getting rid of chemicals. This seems to work pretty well.
      Thanks also for visiting.

  4. I'm getting increasingly conscious of chemicals in cleaning supplies as my kids are getting old enough to help with the cleaning. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe.

    I'm returning the blog love from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. Thanks so much for visiting us. I'm now following you via GFC, Linky and Twitter. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Renee,
      We started weeding out chemicals a long time ago. My daughter has an autoimmune disease and one of the things we found at that time was that she has some chemical sensitivities. We started using the green cleaners and found a lot don't work as well and are expensive. This is a good alternative. I hope you like it. Thanks for visiting.

  5. I'm always looking for natural cleaners and wanting to eliminate chemicals as much as I can. I've pinned this so i can find quickly! My fingers are crossed you’ll share your creative inspiration tonight with Sunday’s Best – sharing is a good thing!

    1. Hi Cathy,
      Thanks so much for the invite. I will be sure to be there. It is a good product. I hope you like it.

  6. What a great idea!! Thanks for linking up to Tasty Thursdays on The Mandatory Mooch. I hope you link up again this week. The party will be live tonight.

    Thanks, Nichi

    1. Hi Nichi,
      thanks so much for visiting. I will certainly be at your party.

  7. I just found your page and love it. As a heads up for those who prefer to make their own cleaning products: Thyme and Tea Tree essential oils are both antibacterial AND antiviral! I use each of them in my preparations for the home. Best!


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