
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mia Lace Scarf Pattern

Today I am giving you my Mia Lace Scarf Pattern, just because I love all of you. This is a simple knit pattern, but it looks hard. Have fun knitting girls.

For those of you who have printed this out, I have made the corrections to the pattern. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.

Mia Lace Scarf

Lion Brand Vanna’s Glamour 4 skeins of (202 yards)

Size 5 Knitting needles

P - Purl 
K - Knit 
YO - Yarn Over 
K2tog - Knit 2 together 
SL - slip stitch as if to purl 
PSSO - pass slip stitch over knit stitch 


(Pattern Corrections in Blue)

Cast on 34 stitches

Row 1: (Right Side) K1, P1 to end

Row 2: P1, K1 to end

Row 3 and 4: Repeat row 1 and 2

Row 5: (P1, K1) twice, K4, P2, (K1, P2) twice, K2, P2, (K1, P2) twice, K4, (P1,K1) twice

Row 6: (K1, P1) twice, P4, K2, (P1, K2) twice, P2, K2, (P1, K2) twice, P4,  (K1, P1) twice

Row 7: Repeat Row 5

Row 8: Repeat Row 6

Row 9: (P1, K1) twice, K4, (P1, YO, sl 1, K1, PSSO, P2, YO, K2tog, P2) K2, (P1, YO, sl 1, K1, Psso, P2, YO, K2tog), K4, (P1, K1) twice (correct)

Row 10: (K1, P1) twice, P4, (K1, P2, K2, P2, K1), P2, (K1, P2, K2, P2, K1), P4, (K1, P1) twice

Row 11: (P1, K1) twice, K4, (P2, YO, (sl 1, K1, PSSO,) YO, K2tog, P2), K2, (P2, YO, (sl 1, K1, PSSO,) YO, K2tog, P2), K4, (P1, K1) twice (correct)

Row 12: (K1, P1) twice, P4, (K2, P4, K2), P2,  (K2, P4, K2), P4, (K1, P1) twice

Repeat Rows 5 through 12 until scarf measures 78 inches

Then do rows 1-4

Then bind off. Weave ends in, and block. 

I hope that if you knit you like this pattern.  It is simple and pretty, and great for winter, whether for yourself or a loved one.  I always love hearing from you, so send me your comments.

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  1. Thank you for sharing your pattern. I crochet much more than I knit but this seems so doable. I hope to try it soon.

  2. Very beautiful Debi. I really need to learn how to knit or crochet. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  3. Hi Debi and Charly!

    I saw your project for the Mia Lace Scarf Pattern and just love that idea! I am the editor of and would love to feature your tutorial on my site with full credit to you. I've noticed you have some other great projects on your site, and I would love to link to all of your free knitting patterns as well. I know my readers would just love them and in return would generate some nice traffic to your site. If you agree and would like us to feature your project and/or other free projects, our readers will simply click the link to your blog to get your full tutorial. It’s really that simple. Your project will look similar to this project already on my site:

    My site is part of Prime Publishing and we publish 19 cooking and crafting web sites. We have over 3.5 million active e-mail subscribers and about 10 million page views per week. You can learn more about us at

    Please let me know if you would like to get started. Just a reply to this comment is all it takes.

    Thanks, and look forward to hearing from you!

    Julie DaMario
    Prime Publishing LLC

    1. Hi Julie,
      Thanks so much for putting the pattern on All Free Knitting. I really appreciate it. What an honor.
      Have a great week.

  4. Hello, if I were to double the cast on stitches to 68 would the pattern be worked the same and come out right? I think so however wanted to check with you. Thanks much. Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy,
      No, you would need to cast on 60 stitches. There are 4 stitches on each side which will stay the same. The cast on for the original pattern is 34, and the pattern work for the scarf is 26 stitches, so you would double the 26 which would give you 52, then the 8 stitches (4 on each side). That will give you 60 stitches. If you did 64 stitches, you would need to add 2 additional stitches to each side so you would have a k1 , p1 ( 3 times) on each side. That would give you a wider border.

      I hope that helps. I'm so happy that you are going to make the scarf. Will you send me a picture of it when it's done. I love seeing what people have made.

      Have a great week.
      Debi @ Adorned From Above


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