
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Surrender Hebrews 12:2

Today, Surrender Hebrews 12:2, is the verse I am writing about.

And let us look on Jesus, who hath become the commencement and the completion of our faith; who, on account of the joy there was for him, endured the cross, and surrendered himself to opprobrium; and is seated on the right hand of the throne of God. 

Hebrews 12:2

James Murdock New Testament

To die on a cross was a shameful thing in the days of Jesus.  Yet, because he loved us so much, he surrendered to God's will.  He died on the cross, to be seated at the right hand of God, salvation.   What a gift he gave us and yet he was a man.  How hard this must have been for him, but he still did it.

Do you surrender to God?  Do you have that strength to surrender, even when things are difficult?   Or do you try to do the tough stuff on your own, to rely on your own strength?  Do you remember to turn to God when life gets difficult?

I think at times we struggle with things that are difficult, instead of surrendering to God's will.  When we remember to rely on God first and always, we are able to remain at peace.  Kind of like living in the eye of a hurricane, everything around you is swirling and out of control, but the center or eye is all blue skies and peace.

Life gets tough, but if we can remember to surrender to God, we can ride out the tough times.  Surrendering to God will help us achieve the peace we need to ride out the storm.

I hope that this was helpful to you today.  I always love hearing from you.

Have a Blessed Day.


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  1. a beautiful post...and a difficult concept to even consider in todays culture when surrender means failure....trying though!!
    BTW..ave a great vacation!!

    1. Hi AnnMarie,
      It is a difficult concept. I find it hard to surrender, especially because I am kind of a control freak. I have found though that when I surrender and let God take control things go much better.
      Have a great week and thanks for visiting.

  2. Wonderful post. Thank you for writing about surrender. I needed to read this today! Xoxo

    1. Marci,
      I'm so happy that it spoke to you.
      Have a great week.

  3. I came across your blog today and started following. I have trouble surrendering during trials because I fear I'm "using" God to fix my problems (if that makes any sense at all). I know it's something I have to get over, but it can be hard.

    1. Hi Bethany,
      I get what you are saying. I left a message for you on your blog, because I couldn't email you. I don't think it is using God to fix your problems. I think God wants us to turn to him and not rely on our own strength.
      Have a great day.

  4. Just like we want our children to rely on us... :)

    I always remember that when I'm a little behind or lost on something, and it always helps to remind me to turn to God. I enjoyed your post!!

    1. What a great way to remember Rosie. That is really helpful.
      Have a great week. I hope you will link up at my link party. It started this morning.


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