
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Adorned From Above Update

Hi Everyone,
I want to thank all of you for your emails and messages regarding Charly and the baby.  She has not had the baby yet, but everything is okay.  There were apparently some problems last winter, and a baby was lost and another beautiful baby was conceived, and no one realized it.  We are still waiting, but it should be soon.  Once she has her I will let everyone know.

I know that I have taken a break from blogging for a while, but starting on Monday there will be new posts and parties.  I have been a little preoccupied for the last few months, but I am back.  Right now it will be just me, but Charly may join me again in the future, we will just have to wait and see.  I have actually been cooking and sewing quite a bit over the last few months, so I have quite a bit to share with all of you, and I am really excited to have new material for you. 

I have really missed all of you, and I have also missed not only my parties, but all of yours.  I can't wait to see all of the new posts from everyone.  Tuesday's Adorned From Above Link Party will go live at 8PM mountain time, and Monday there will be some new Bible Verses.  Thursday I have a recipe for Pruscuitto Stuffed Baked Chicken, and on Friday I will be sharing a recipe for a Purple Haze Martini.  I hope you will stop by and check out my new posts.

I look forward to seeing and hearing from all of you again.

Much Love,


  1. I'm so glad everyone is OK. It's nice to have you back! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Glad everything is ok, Deby and it is awesome to have you back !

  3. So glad to hear from you, Debi. And I'm so thankful Charly and the baby are okay. Looking forward to "seeing" you in bloggyland again.

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Petunia,
      I tried to answer by email, but you are a no-reply blogger. I just wanted to thank you so much for coming by. Have a great week.

  5. So glad you all are okay! Prayers for charly and baby. Love to all of you, Linda

  6. Oh my goodness! Glad to hear all is well.


  7. So glad to have you back...but as I say, life is more important than blogging. You never know of what circumstances that will take you away. I've thought of texting you, but have just given you your space. Please say hi to everyone. We had a good time meeting you guys this summer and feel that we hit it off. I would like to see you the next time we are in Denver.

  8. Wow, so glad you are back and that everything is ok. I bet you just can't wait for that cute little baby to arrive.

  9. Good to see you posting, I was worried. God has a way of doing miraculous things in our lives.
    God's blessings for Charley and the baby.We can't wait for that darling bundle to arrive!
    Big hugs,

  10. I am so glad you are all good and everything is OK. You had us a little worried over here :)

  11. That is just the strangest story! You would have thought the doctors would have noticed from scans etc even if it wasn't obvious to mom. But what a miracle.

  12. So glad everything is okay! I was getting a little worried for you all! Looking forward to the good news in the future!

  13. Debi,
    I am so happy to here everything is going to be okay. I missed you and your sweet spirit and you've been in my thoughts and prayers a lot. Welcome back, can't wait to see your new posts.
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile


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