
Monday, January 13, 2014

Chronological Study Bible's Layout

Today I will be sharing a some of the Chronological Study Bible's Layout.

So today I wanted to explain a little about how this Bible is written.

One of the first things I would like all of you to know about this Bible is that it will take us through the history and culture of the Bible.  If you read the introduction, page 6 says, "You will learn how sacred history fits into the context of secular history-why an event happened, how events relate to each other, as well as the cultural, religious, political, and geographical background that influenced the events."

The New Kings James version of the Bible is rearranged according to the time that the events took place.  The entire Bible is contained in 1 of 9 Epochs of time in this Bible.  An Epoch "is a period of time charactized by peculiar features or events" as stated on page 7 of the Chronological Study Bible.  So Epoch 2 is characterized by the Patriarchs.  Epoch 1, takes us up through Genesis 11, the descendants of Noah, the most important one for us are the descendants of Terah, the main one being Abram, who becomes our first patriarch Abraham.

This Bible contains Transition Commentary, Epoch Introductions, Historical Overviews, Background Notes, Daily Life, Time Panels, Time Capsules, Time Charts, Maps, Scripture Reference, Cultural Historical Topics, Cultural and Historical Topics, Glossary, and Concordance and Index of Scripture Passages.  The goal of this Bible is not to replace the Bible, but to help us see the timeline of events of the Bible.

Next week we will start with Epoch 1 of the Chronological Study Bible.  I hope all of you will join me travel back in time, and take a look at our forefathers' lives.  I am really excited.

Have a Blessed Day.

Find us at these Great Parties!!!


  1. I will join you debi. I'm excited too!! Linda

    1. Hi Linda,
      I am loving this bible. It's so interesting. Let me know when you get it and we can start. So far you are the only one interested, but maybe others will join us.
      Happy New Year.

  2. I'm signing up to follow you so I won't miss a thing! Thanks, ladies. :-)
    His blessings,
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  3. I tried to follow by email, but it said feedburner isn't activated at this time. Thought I should let you know. Please notify me when I can get signed on for your study. :-) Thanks!
    Kim @ (sorry about putting a link in the comment, but I really want you to find me)

    1. Hi Kim, Thanks so much for letting me know that my email subscription widget wasn't working. I have fixed it now and you can sign up by email. I really appreciate that you want to follow the Chronological Study Bible with me. I am pretty excited. Here is a link to the blog again. I am going to follow you by email also. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday. Debi @ Adorned From Above

  4. I am trying to do better at reading my scriptures more regularly. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Hi Jann,
      It is sometimes difficult to do. Sometimes I read it all at once. Thanks so much for stopping by.
      Have a great week.


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