
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Make Dawn Laundry Detergent

Today we will learn how to make Dawn Laundry Detergent.  

Here is the scene.  It is the day before Easter, and I'm trying to pack our clothes for a trip to Mexico. I'm leaving on Monday morning and don't want to have to do my laundry on Easter.  I'm all out of laundry detergent, and the normal one I make has to sit for 8 hours.  That wont work since I need to do the laundry now!  I of course hop onto Pinterest to find ideas for fast and easy laundry detergents and this was a great idea that I found.  I was so excited that it was easy and it only ended up taking me about 10 minutes to make.

I waited to post the recipe, because I wanted to make sure that it worked well and cleaned all of our clothes and other household stuff (sheets, towels, quilts).  It really does a great job, and is great when you need it quickly.  I still like the other one a little better, because it's a little more natural, but I would recommend this in a pinch.

Dawn Laundry Detergent


5 TB Borax
5 TB Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
3 TB Dawn dishwashing liquid (I used blue)
2 cups hot water
1 gallon container
cold water to fill container


Put borax, washing soda into your jug.

Add the 2 cups of hot water to the jug and shake for a few minutes until the powders have dissolved.

Next fill the container with cold water, it will foam from the soap, but just keep filling and let the foam run over the top of the jug.  Just make sure you leave a little room for the Dawn.

You will then at the Dawn Liquid dish soap, and shake and you are set to go.

I use 1/4 cup liquid in my HE3 machine and it works great.  This is a really quick solution if you need laundry detergent immediately.

Let me know what you think.
Have a great week.
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  1. Homemade laundry soap is something I haven't tried yet, and this version is easy enough that I might just give it a go!

    1. Hey Jenn,
      It is amazingly easy. I was pretty excited. It took less time then running to the store to buy Tide, that for sure.
      Thanks so much for stopping by.
      Have a great week.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you! I love Dawn detergent, but never would have thought of laundry. Plus, you don't need that much. I may have to try in my high-efficiency washer. Thank you!

  4. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Hi Debi & Charly!
    I have a Charley too! Such a fun and beautiful name :0)
    Thanks so much for coming by and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate every one of them.
    This is a great post. I'm thinking I need to keep a few of these ingredients on hand for the times when I run out of laundry detergent and can't get to the store. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a great day ladies,

  5. I believe Dawn would be good for laundry! I will make this! I use the dawn and vinegar for cleaning the shower, and somehow discovered that if we have grease stains (hubby likes popcorn and drops it on his lap leaving little butter/oil marks!) I give the stain a spray with the dawn and vinegar and it washes right out. So I bet the detergent is a winner! I LOVE your blog and recipes btw!! LOVE! Julia

  6. Oh!! I'll have to try your recipe! I'm just about out of laundry detergent, great time to try it out! :)


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