
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How To Make A Sponsor Button Link

Last week I posted How To Make A Link Party Button and Featured Blogger Button for Blogger.  Again, I was a little stressed trying to get my page for advertising done, and needed to figure out How To Make A Sponsor Button Link to their websites.  I experimented with my son's logo for his website BeSublimePhotography, which worked out great.  He is my sponsor for the next 3 months, in return, he will take a great picture of me for the blog.  I am kind of excited, since my self portrait in a bathroom mirror is not great, but better then anything else I have.  I figure I am getting the better end of the deal, and by the way, did I mention he is a great photographer and an all around nice guy.

Anyway, so enough about my son.  This button turned out so easy to make.  I just had to use the first part of the html code for the button and grab box html code.  This is so easy, you will all be able to do this.  The steps are basically the same. 

How to Make - Sponsor Button Link

1.  The first thing you will need to do is get the image that your sponsor wants you to use for the button.  You can have them submit it to you in the size that you want, or you can re size it yourself, just like you did for your Featured Blogger button.

2. If you are doing the resizing you will need to crop your image to a square and then adjusted the size to 125 x 125 pixels or whatever size you want. ( ie  90x90, 150x150 ).  I am not familiar with a lot of other editing programs, but the Paper Heart Camera post suggests using photobucket.   I think that you can do all of your editing in this program.  Vince's logo came already in a square, so I just had to reduce the pixel size to 125 x 125.

3. Unlike the Featured Blogger Button, this logo should already have the text on it, when it is submitted to you.

4.  Next I uploaded the logo into photobucket, but if you are working in photobucket it is already there.

5.  You will then to work on your html code so that you when someone clicks on the picture it will take them to your sponsors website.   We are just using the first part of the code from the button and grab box, we are using the button code only.  The code below is what I used for my Sponsor Button Link.  I did this in notepad.  Just copy and paste.

<div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="BeSublimePhotography" src="" /></a> </div>

Change the red text to your blog's link
Change the blue text to the Name of You Blog
Change the fuscha text to the link for your picture in photobucket

6. To find the link for your picture in photobucket, you will click on your picture and you will see a box around the picture with several boxes of code beneath it.  Click in the direct link box.  It will say copied.  Then just paste it over the link for my picture link.

7. Next, pick your gadget,  it is the HTML/Java Third Party Script.  Give it a name, I named my Sponsors.  Then I copied the text from Notepad and pasted it into my Widget's text box.

8.  Save, and then I clicked Preview, to make sure that it looked right.  If something is wrong, check your code and your different links.  This is what Vince's looks like for BeSublimePhotography.  You can see it and how it works by clicking on the button under my sponsors.

9.  It should be working fine.  If you have any problems, send me a message, and I will try to answer them.

I hope that this helps you to make a Sponsor Button Link for all of the sponsors you are going to get for advertising. It is pretty easy, once you get the hang of it.  Let me know what you think.  I always love hearing from you.

 Oh, I almost forgot I'm offering a special for sponsors advertising.
$10.00 per month
$25.00 for 3 months
You can look at my Contacts / Advertise page to reach me for question or advertising.


  1. Great post Debi! Have you done a post on adding a featured button from being featured on a link party?

    1. No, I have only done the featured blogger button with a grab box, that a featured blogger could get from your site and put in theirs. That may be what you are asking about. It was the post on 8/20 I think. It was called How To Make A Featured Blogger Button and Grab box. Let me know if you have trouble finding it.

  2. One thing is for sure: I will have problems...!!!
    I am just scared to pieces!

    1. Hi Crystelle,
      I'm sure you will do a great job. It is easy once you do the first one. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Thank you for sharing this! I recently decided to try to add sponsors to my sight and had no idea how I would make their ads. Now I know for when the time is right :) ~Erin

    1. Hi Erin,
      It is surprisingly easy once you do it the first time. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Great tutorial. Thanks for linking up at Have a great weekend!

  5. I need to redo my buttons. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!


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