Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Keto Raspberry Scones
These yummy Keto Raspberry Scones came out so good that I couldn't wait to share them with all of you. I was going to post this in August, but I broke my ankle, so I have been recuperating for the last 4 months. I also was not able to get all of the pictures that I wanted to get, but at least you can see what they look like. I made them along with Spiced Keto Donuts, and Peanut Butter Bread the morning that I broke my ankle, I only got pictures of them cooling off. I'm still not walking yet, which means I'm also not cooking much yet, so I hope that you will forgive the pictures.
The recipe is easy and the changes that I made to the original recipe from Brian Speaks make it Keto. These would be great to make for a New Years morning brunch, or, if you're not too worried about your macros you could make them with dried cranberries for an amazing Christmas morning scone.
Keto Raspberry Scones
Serves 8
Calories: 317
Fat: 27g
Net Carbs: 7g
Protein: 10g
Print Recipe
2 1/2 cups Trader Joe's almond flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 large eggs
4 TB Yacon Syrup
1/3 cup melted butter
1/2 cup Trader Joe's Freeze Dried Raspberries
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray non stick cooking spray on a cookie sheet or a silicone mat on a cookie sheet.
Mix all of your ingredients together, and drop onto your silicone mat. Mine look like drip biscuits, I could not shape them.
Bake between 15 and 20 minutes. Mine took closer to 20 minutes.
I hope you enjoy these delicious Keto Raspberry Scones. They are a really delicious baked treat, when you are craving a pastry, and they taste delicious even if don't need to do Keto. I always love hearing from you.
Have a great week.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. We had a very lovely, warm, and quiet one here in Fort Lauderdale.
I saw a sign that said "Pray" near my home a few weeks ago. I often see different scripture on this sign, but it felt like Pray was flashing at me. It wasn't, but God certainly wanted me to notice it on that day. I have seen so many bad things happen recently, and I just keep praying, because that is all that I have I can do, but this was like a call to action. This was different, I knew that this sign was a "sign" from God for me to write about. Then, last week, on our morning prayer line my pastor was talking about some of the things happening in the world, and what came to my mind were these verses in Job 2.
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?”
Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”
Job 2:1-2 NKJV
We don't often think about verses like this, but this is really important! The sons of God are the fallen angels who followed Satan and were kicked out of Heaven, never to live with God again. They are wandering the earth, going to and fro, back and forth. They create chaos, and their mission is to turn as many people away from God as possible. Not just turn away, but not allow them the chance to find God, to reach Him. Their job is to steal, kill, and destroy anyone they can reach. Our mission is to PRAY! To pray for our people, our communities, our country, and our world. We are the line of defense! We are the Warriors! We can't allow the enemy to cross the line. Our strategy is to Pray! Pray unceasingly! Please join me in praying during your prayer time, whenever that may be, to pray for people, not just people who know God, but people who don't. Please pray for the lost, the lonely, the sad and disheartened, the happy, the healthy, the wealthy, all of the people who don't know God. Please join me in prayer that they find Him and welcome Him into their lives.
Now, this was one of the few occasions of being outside of my house over that last few months. You see on August 3rd, I fell and crushed my ankle. I have started to write about it several times, but have never had the right words, to share this very humbling experience with all of you. I have had several surgeries and I am on the mend. Today I took my first steps in my boot without a crutch. Yeah!!! Walking never felt so good, I will never take it for granted again. I have been praying like crazy, and God is answering each and every prayer. I am so grateful.
Thank you for reading this today. I am so grateful that you are here.
Have a blessed week!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Adorned From Above Jewelry and Blog
It has been such a long time since I have written anything, but I wanted to share some exciting news about Adorned From Above Designs and my Adorned From Above Blog.
Starting this weekend, Thanksgiving weekend, you will find my new 10 Piece Jewelry Collection, called The Inspired Collection at Adorned From Above Designs. I am so excited to share these beautiful pieces with all of you. When you sign up for our VIP Newsletter List for Adorned From Above Designs you will automatically receive a 30% discount coupon, and this is good for your entire purchase!!! Yeah!!! You can even use it on top of the sale prices. Which means on Cyber Monday there will be a site wide sale that will be 20% off of everything in the store, after you receive that discount you can use your 30% coupon, also!!! The thing is only the people who sign up for my VIP Newsletter List will receive the 30% off Coupon, because you are my extra special friends.
This VIP email list is going to have amazing benefits such as coupons that only my VIP friends are entitled to, exclusive sales for just my VIP's, and great jewelry giveaways. Oh, and my first jewelry giveaway will be sometime in the first week of December. So keep and eye out for my weekly newsletter, because that is where I will keep you updated and post a picture of the what you will have a chance of winning. I am so excited about embarking on this new journey with all of you. I hope that you will sign up and become one of my VIP friends.
You also should have gotten an email this morning about my Adorned From Above Blog email list. You don't have to do anything, if you want to keep receiving my newsletters, and if you don't there is and unsubscribe button in the footer of the email. I hope that you will continue to follow Adorned From Above. I have so many exciting things in the works for all of you. Adorned From Above will continue to share recipes, crafts, and Bible Studies.
I am so excited about sharing all of my new adventures with all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
This VIP email list is going to have amazing benefits such as coupons that only my VIP friends are entitled to, exclusive sales for just my VIP's, and great jewelry giveaways. Oh, and my first jewelry giveaway will be sometime in the first week of December. So keep and eye out for my weekly newsletter, because that is where I will keep you updated and post a picture of the what you will have a chance of winning. I am so excited about embarking on this new journey with all of you. I hope that you will sign up and become one of my VIP friends.
You also should have gotten an email this morning about my Adorned From Above Blog email list. You don't have to do anything, if you want to keep receiving my newsletters, and if you don't there is and unsubscribe button in the footer of the email. I hope that you will continue to follow Adorned From Above. I have so many exciting things in the works for all of you. Adorned From Above will continue to share recipes, crafts, and Bible Studies.
I am so excited about sharing all of my new adventures with all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Do you forgive others? Are you able to forgive? Is it difficult for you or is it something that comes easy? In Luke 6:37, Jesus tells us, "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."
As I was doing my Bible reading, I read Luke 6:37 and was thinking about what it means to me. None of us want to be judged, right? We certainly don't want to be condemned, and I think we all want to be forgiven. So where does that leave us when we feel we have been wronged? Where do we turn? What do we do? How do we act? Don't we all want to be forgiven when we have done something wrong? I think we do. I know that I do.
Maybe we need to start with the first sentence, "Judge not, and you shall not be judged." Do you judge others? I try very hard not to. One of the things that I often say if someone says, "you never judge me", is that "I live in a glass house, I don't throw stones." I have to be very honest with myself though. I don't normally judge people that I know, but I have found, especially as I was watching the news the other day that I judge our president often. I get angry when I hear what he is doing, that so many people could have been without health insurance, or that my rates could go up even more. So I am judging, I'm just not judging someone that I know personally. I'm judging him each time I get angry with what I feel is his lack of compassion for people. Especially, people with less. Aren't we called to help others? Aren't we called to treat the least of us as we would Jesus? When did that get lost in the grand scheme of things.
And the King will answer and say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, You did it to Me."
Matthew 25:40
Then He will answer them, saying, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you do not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me."
Matthew 25:45
So He says, if we do something for the least, then it's as if we do it to Him, and if we don't then it's as if we haven't done it to him. Back to judging, I am not supposed to judge, so I need to pray, and ask God to help me not judge. Our president could not have been placed in office without God, so let's pray for this man. Let's pray that he receive compassion for all of the citizens whom he is responsible for in our country. Do you judge? Do you need to ask God for help in this area of your life? He will help you, you just need to ask him.
Next, "condemn not, and you shall not be condemned." Here are some definitions that I found for condemn.
Condemn: express complete disapproval of or to express an unfavorable or adverse judgement
Synonyms: censure, criticize, denounce, blame, revile, chastise, berate, reprimand, rebuke
As I read the definition, I realized that I do this. I do it when I talk about our president, but I also do it with my family. I didn't even understand that criticizing or chastising was condemnation. Last weeks post was Bridle My Thoughts Bridle My Tongue, well when I criticize I am condemning. Check, this is now on my list of prayers. Do you need help with this in your life? Again, all you need to do is ask God for help. Add it to your list of prayers, He is there to help, and He wants you to succeed.
I love the last sentence in this verse, "Forgive, and you will be forgiven." It sounds so simple doesn't it? Forgiveness can be tough when we feel we have been wronged. We hold on to things that we perceive as wrongs, then we say we have forgiven, but we really haven't. Holding onto all of that sadness, anger, frustration, and disappointment only hurts us. When you don't let go of all of those terrible feeling, you can't heal. The forgiveness is not just for the other person, it's also for you. Do you remember how you felt when you really let go of your anger and forgave someone? Didn't you feel better.
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."
Mark 11:25
But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:15
God wants to forgive all of us, but we need to do our part, also. It doesn't just happen, but with His help we can do anything. Prayer is so important. It doesn't need to be a formal prayer. I wake up in the morning and start talking to God. I have conversations with Him all day long. I ask His advice, but I have realized that I also need to ask for help in more areas of my life. Do you need His help? Reach out to Him today, He is waiting for you, He is always there, He is listening, and He wants to help you. When you forgive someone, you are also forgiven. Isn't that what we all want? We don't want to be judged or condemned, we want to be forgiven.
I write to you, little children, Because your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake.
1 John 2:12
Have a blessed week.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Fried Rice - A Weight Watchers Recipe
What are your thoughts on Chinese Food and Weight Watchers? Chinese food can be tough on a diet, right, but this recipe for Fried Rice fits right into my Weight Watchers Program. It is delicious, easy to make, and low in points! What more can you ask for? I have been making fried cauliflower rice for a long time, but with Weight Watchers I can have real rice! Yeah!!! This fried rice is super filling, so it makes a meal all on its own for a meatless Monday meal, but you can also add meat to it if you are so inclined. I have been traveling so I can not update you on my weight loss at this point, but I will after I get home next week. In the meantime, here is this delicious Fried Rice Recipe.
Fried Rice - A Weight Watchers Recipe
Weight Watchers Smartpoints - 4 per 1/2 cup
5 cups water
2 1/2 cups rice
2 Tb olive oil
1 Tb sesame oil
1 container 14.5 oz Trader Joe's Mirepoix (1/2 chopped onion, 3 carrots chopped, 3 stalks celery chopped)
2 tsp minced garlic or 3 cloves minced garlic
8 oz sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup low sodium tamari or soy sauce
1/4 cup Trader Ming's General Tsao's Stir Fry Sauce
1/8 cup Soy Vay Veri Veri Teriyaki Sauce
3 eggs, beaten
Cook the rice according to the directions on the package. Mine is 5 cups water to 2 1/2 cups of rice.
Set aside.
Heat the olive and sesame oil in a wok or a very deep stir fry pan over medium high heat.
Add the mirepoix to the oil and saute until the onions are translucent.
Next add the garlic and saute for a minute, next add the mushrooms and cook for approximately 5 minutes.
Then add the rice and mix with the vegetables.
Add the tamari sauce, stir fry sauce, and teriyaki sauce and mix well.
Next, make a hole in the center of the pan, moving the rice and vegetables to the edges of the pan, and add the beaten eggs.
Cook just the eggs in the center of the pan just like you would scramble eggs, without the rice in it as much as possible.
Once the eggs are mostly cooked, stir into the rice and vegetable mixture. Add more tamari sauce if needed.
It is ready to serve. You can add some kind of meat if you want, but we eat it like this and it is delicious.
Serves 20 - 1/2 cup servings
I hope that you give this recipe a try. I would love to hear how you like it. I always love hearing from you.
Have a great week.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Bridle My Thoughts Bridle My Tongue
Do you have a tendency to criticize or have a sharp tongue? I don't know about you, but I do, so I ask God to bridle my thoughts and bridle my tongue every morning. This is something that I have found I need a lot of help with. Especially with the people closest to me.
You see, I tend to be a perfectionist, and that can make me difficult to live with. Most people who know me think I'm a super nice, easy going person, but my family knows the real me. I am a nice person, it's not that I'm not, but I tend to be hardest on those that I love. My poor husband says that I have a certain view of the world and that I expect those whom I love to live up to that view. I am probably not very reasonable at times, and short on patience when I think that I am doing it all. I'm sure that some of you are like that also, you know who you are. We clean, cook, work, take care of the kids, do the laundry, even pack all of the suitcases and try to do it without complaining, until we feel like we are being taken advantage of. We haven't asked for help, so how can those around us, know that we needed it to take advantage of us. Maybe just by watching all that we are doing? Come on that's not fair to them! They can't read our minds even though we think that they should. We walk around with a laundry list in our heads of what needs to be done, but they don't have the same list, so how are they supposed to know.
Then Satan rears his ugly head! (I have now reached my limit, but how would my family know what needed to be done if I didn't tell them.) I lash out in anger and frustration! Not fair right! No, not fair at all. Do you recognize this person, are you like me? I need to learn how to talk, ask for help. So each morning I ask God to bridle my thoughts and bridle my tongue, so that I don't say something mean to those that I love. They are the ones I should have the most patience with, not the least.
Each morning I pray, "God, bridle my thoughts and bridle my tongue today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Don't let me say anything mean, angry, or unkind to anyone today. Thank you Lord." I know that when I am praying in the name of Jesus that it is done. It is such a simple prayer, but so powerful. It has helped me to so very much. I want my thoughts and tongue to be in agreement with God's will, not mine. The Lord's prayer says "Thy will be done." Let it be.

I like this verse in Psalms, and I'm giving you several different versions. I think it is helpful to see different transliterations.
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
Keep watch over the doors of my lips.
Psalms 141:3 (NKJV)
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
Keep watch over the door of my lips (to keep me from speaking thoughtlessly).
Psalms 141:3 (amplified)
Guard my mouth, O Eternal One;
control what I say.
Keep a careful watch on every word I speak.
Psalm 141:3 (The VOICE)
I especially liked The VOICE's version, "Guard my mouth..., control what I say, Keep careful watch on every word I speak".
If this speaks to you, I hope it helps. Have a blessed week.
Each morning I pray, "God, bridle my thoughts and bridle my tongue today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Don't let me say anything mean, angry, or unkind to anyone today. Thank you Lord." I know that when I am praying in the name of Jesus that it is done. It is such a simple prayer, but so powerful. It has helped me to so very much. I want my thoughts and tongue to be in agreement with God's will, not mine. The Lord's prayer says "Thy will be done." Let it be.

I like this verse in Psalms, and I'm giving you several different versions. I think it is helpful to see different transliterations.
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
Keep watch over the doors of my lips.
Psalms 141:3 (NKJV)
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
Keep watch over the door of my lips (to keep me from speaking thoughtlessly).
Psalms 141:3 (amplified)
Guard my mouth, O Eternal One;
control what I say.
Keep a careful watch on every word I speak.
Psalm 141:3 (The VOICE)
I especially liked The VOICE's version, "Guard my mouth..., control what I say, Keep careful watch on every word I speak".
If this speaks to you, I hope it helps. Have a blessed week.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Mint Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches A Weight Watchers Recipe
Do you love ice cream sandwiches? I love them and these delicious Weight Watchers Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches are only 2 points so easy to make. These are the perfect St. Patty's Day dessert and definitely guilt free. How can you beat a 2 point dessert? Maybe have two ice cream sandwiches and make it a 4 point dessert.
I found this new ice cream, called Halo Top, and it is very good and definitely guilt free. Depending on the flavor that you buy it is anywhere from 3 to 4 point for 1/2 cup of ice cream. It doesn't use splenda, the sweetener is erythritol, so it doesn't raise your blood sugar and it has not calories. It comes in several flavors and I have tried a few. The peanut butter cup, chocolate, cookies and cream, and chocolate almond are all amazing.
I have been doing Weight Watchers since January 4th, 2017, I've lost 14 pounds and I'm loving it. I don't feel deprived and I don't feel hungry. I can look at my favorite pastries and eat them if I want or save my points for something else. I even had a Mint Oreo Milk Shake this week from BurgerFi and didn't feel guilty at all. I just counted the points. I would definitely recommend giving it a try if you feel the need to lose some weight.
I have been doing Weight Watchers since January 4th, 2017, I've lost 14 pounds and I'm loving it. I don't feel deprived and I don't feel hungry. I can look at my favorite pastries and eat them if I want or save my points for something else. I even had a Mint Oreo Milk Shake this week from BurgerFi and didn't feel guilty at all. I just counted the points. I would definitely recommend giving it a try if you feel the need to lose some weight.
This blog post contains a WeightWatchers affiliate link. If you join Weight Watchers from the above link, I will receive a small commission. All recipes and opinions are my own and I am not being paid for them.
Mint Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches - A Weight Watchers Recipe
1 serving = 2 Points
2 fat free graham cracker squares
1/4 cup Halo Top Mint Chip Ice Cream
Set the 2 graham cracker squares on a plate
Measure out 1/4 cup Halo Top Mint Chip Ice Cream.
Set the Ice Cream on one graham cracker square and top with the 2nd graham cracker square.
Makes 1 ice cream sandwich
I will sometimes make several of these up ahead of time and put them in a Tupperware in the freezer. That way they are ready for me when I want one. I normally have 1 or 2 after dinner while I am watching TV with my sweet husband.
I hope you like them. I would love to know if you try them. Let me know what you think.
Have a great week.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Rest in the Lord
Are you tired, weary, feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? Rest in the Lord, he will carry you. You weren't meant to carry life's troubles all by yourself. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus and God are so much bigger then us, and they will gladly carry our load, all you have to do is ask.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30
After asking you then need to actually give your troubles to God. You can't give them to Him and then take them back, You just need to leave them at His feet, and He will take control. The Casting Crowns song Just Be Held says:
And when you're tired of fighting
Chained by your control
There's freedom in surrender
Lay it down and let it go.
So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your worlds not falling apart, its falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding and just be held
Just be held, just be held
Casting Crowns Just Be Held
Casting Crowns Just Be Held
God has told us that He will take all of our "stuff". He is strong enough to do it all. We just have to trust in Him. You just have to give it to Him and leave it with Him, lay it at His feet, because don't you feel lost trying to do it all by yourself? Things may seem tough, and without Him, they are tough, but you can find rest in Him. He can do it all. He will take it from you, He will carry your load, you just have to let Him.
The Matthew West Song Strong Enough says so much in just a few short verses.
I know I'm not strong enough to be everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
For both of us
I'm not strong enough, but He is. Rely on His strength and you will find peace.
Have a blessed week.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Adorned From Above on Etsy
Have you ever wondered what to do with all of the things that you make for your blog? I came up with a solution for mine. Adorned From Above on Etsy is an Etsy store, and I am so excited to share the jewelry that I have making with all of you. I, also, have a friend Gwen Taylor who is an amazing jewelry designer, and she has been making all kinds of bracelet, necklaces, and earrings for Adorned From Above on Etsy.
Right now, Adorned From Above on Etsy, has many different bracelets, along with some necklaces, and earrings. I have more to add, so check back often, there is a lot more coming. Right now I am focusing on jewelry, but I may add other items in the future.
Please go in, take a look around, and shop. I would be so excited, if you find something that you like in my store. Here are a few of the pieces that are online right now.
As a thank you, I am offering a 5% discount for shopping on Adorned From Above on Etsy, good for any purchase over $10.00. Input coupon code 031017 to receive your discount. This coupon is valid until March 31, 2017, so shop this month and receive your 5% discount.
Have a great week.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Mexican Rice a Weight Watchers Recipe
I have never made Mexican Rice from scratch before, have you? I thought it would be really hard, especially because I wanted to it me a Weight Watchers Recipe. It turned out to be super simple to make. I wish I had know that years ago. Wow! Now I can make it all of the time. Especially since it is only 2 points for 1/2 cup of rice. I thought that was pretty good. I was fortunate to come up with this recipe the first time I tried it. I have even been using it in my scrambles eggs after I work out in the mornings. I'll share that recipe with you next week. I served this with chicken tacos and refried beans. It was a big hit.
I am really having fun making new recipes that are Weight Watchers friendly, and it is not a difficult task. I am even coming up with desserts. I'll share my recipe for ice cream sandwiches in a few weeks, once I have perfected them. I'm still working on that recipe. I'm trying to keep them to 2 points. Good things to share in the future.
Mexican Rice A Weight Watchers Recipe
Serves 10 - 1/2 cup servings
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 2 points
1/2 cup diced onions
1 tsp minced garlic or 2 cloves
2 1/2 cups rice
1 can diced tomatoes with habanero chili peppers (you can substitute a milder version like green chilis instead)
1 6 oz can sliced black olives drained
2 cups chicken broth
2 cups water
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Saute onions until translucent, then add garlic and cook for 1 minute.
Add the mexican rub, diced tomatoes, black olives, chicken broth, water, salt, and pepper and bring to a boil.
Next, add in the rice and stir Bring to a boil again. Cover pan, land reduce heat to a simmer.
Cook for about 20 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
The Cross
Have you ever wondered why people wear a cross? Have you thought about why you wear a cross? What is your motivation? My motivation is simple. It opens a door for conversation. It allows people to know that I am a Christian, and to ask me questions. It allows me to reach people whom I may not have been able to reach otherwise.
I want to tell you a story, it's just a short one, and it never would have happened had I not been wearing a cross. I was in Alexandria, Egypt. I was in the spice market searching in every little shop for ground saffron. It's an Egyptian saffron that's delicious in rice, and anything else that you can think of. It is kind of hard to find because most people just carry the saffron threads, and this is a mix of ground saffron and other spices. The Egyptians were very kind to us, and there was one young man running all over trying to find it in any of the stalls, of which there were probably a hundred or more. David and I kept walking to different stalls, and we finally came to a very small enclosed store. Now, let me remind you we are in Egypt, in a very Muslim area, most of the women were wearing burkas. I on the other hand had on a dress with short sleeves, and the dress only came to my knees. I saw a woman come out of the store, and she was not wearing a burka, which to an American is not a big deal, the burka, is what I was noticing, not someone not wearing a burka. Anyway, to go on with the story this woman comes out of the store in regular clothes with a scarf over her hair. That should have been my first clue, that something was different here. She was the store owners wife.
I entered the store, and this store had the ground saffron that I was looking for. This was the only store in the whole spice market with ground saffron. I was very excited. The gentleman who owned the store was helping me, and he was very sweet and kind. After a while he saw the cross around my neck, and he asked if I was a Christian, and I answered "yes". He got very excited and said that he was a Christian also. I thanked God for taking me to this little shop. For allowing me to share with this man that he was not all alone. That God was with him bringing people to his little spice shop. It also signaled to me that God was leading me to where He wanted me to be. I just needed to follow. That the only Christian in the area shopping, found the only Christian store owner in the area, with the product that I was looking for. God is good. Now, I was a baby Christian back then, and not very bold, so I did not ask if he wanted me to pray with him, but I did praise God aloud for bringing me into his store. To this day, I still say thank you God, thank you Jesus. Now, when that kind of thing happens I do ask people if they want me to pray with them.
I am rarely in Muslim countries, but my cross opens up dialogs everywhere. It gives people the freedom to ask me questions about Christianity, to tell me that they are sick, have cancer, back pain, that they are alcoholics or drug addicts, and it gives me the opportunity to pray with them and for them. I want God to help me to be bold in sharing His word, and wearing a cross allows me to reach people I would not normally be able to reach. I praise God daily that I am being put into the lives of so many different people and to make a difference. He told us to take up our cross and follow Him. I am trying to do that daily.
Here are some verses that I found and I wanted to share them with all of you.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Matthew 16:24
When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Mark 8:34
Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."
Luke 9:23
Have a blessed week.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Creamy Tomato Soup a Weight Watchers Recipe
Have you ever wondered how to make Creamy Tomato Soup? I love tomato soup, it's my favorite soup. For me it brings back wonderful childhood memories of lunches with tomato soup and delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. It also reminds me of when my kids were little in Colorado and on would make it for them on snowy days. I, also, love gooey, yummy, buttery grilled cheese sandwiches almost as much as I love tomato soup. They kind of go together. My mom always made Campbell's tomato soup, but I wanted to make a homemade soup that was a little more natural, a little healthier
Now I live in Southern Florida, so it is kind of like summer all year here, but when we get those cold days, I take full advantage of it. Most of the rest of you live in climates that have winters that are more conducive to soups and stews. The weather is a little colder, so you can make these a lot more often then we can down here. I guess I could make them more often if I turned the air conditioner on, but I think SW (sweet hubby) might get a little upset about the electric bill being higher just for a pot of soup. The good news, though, is that yesterday we had a high of 66 degrees, which was great. I could wear pants and even a sweater, but the best thing was that I could make this delicious Creamy Tomato Soup and share the recipe with all of you.
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Creamy Tomato Soup
Serves 6 / 4 Weight Watchers Smart Points per Serving
1 28 oz can tomato puree
1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
1 medium onion chopped
2 cloves garlic
1/4 tsp Trader Joe's Ground Black Pepper (Spices of the World)
1/4 tsp Mccormick White Pepper, Ground, 1-Ounce
1/4 tsp Mccormick White Pepper, Ground, 1-Ounce
1 cup Trader Joe's Organic Coconut Milk, Reduced Fat
1/2 cup So Delicious Organic Coconut Milk - Unsweetened 32 oz
1/2 cup So Delicious Organic Coconut Milk - Unsweetened 32 oz
9 basil leaves cut up ( I stack them together, then roll them up, then cut them into thin strips.)
Saute onions and garlic in olive until the onions are translucent.
Next add the tomato puree, crushed tomatoes, coconut sugar, pink Himalayan salt, both peppera, and chicken broth.
Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for about 30 minutes.
Use a stick blender to make the tomato soup smooth, pureeing the onions into the soup. If you don't have a stick blender you can put it in a blender to make it smooth.
Return the soup to the stove and over low heat add the coconut milk.
Bring to a light boil and then add the cut basil leaves.
I hope that you enjoy this recipe for Creamy Tomato Soup. I loved it. I'll share my recipe for grilled cheese sandwiches next week, and they are only 5 weight watchers points each.
Have a great weekend.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Fighting in Prayer
How do you fight your battles? If you are not fighting in prayer then you need to learn how to fight better. We received all of the tools to battle the enemy when we were filled with the Holy Spirit. A friend from church posted this line post on Facebook a few weeks ago, "If we're just praying and not praying and fighting, we're losing... #prayerwarrior". As I was asking God what to share with all of you next, he told me "fighting in prayer". So here are some verses to help you fight in prayer, with prayer. Through the Holy Spirit you have the AUTHORITY! Be a prayer warrior.
And He called to Him His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction.
Matthew 10:1
And He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them the authority over unclean spirits.
Mark 6:7
Behold I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
Luke 10:19
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.
Matthew 10:6-8
Declare these things: and exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.
Titus 2:15
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, to the end of the earth.
Acts 1:8
For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
1 Cor 4:20
These scriptures tell us that we have the power, the authority to fight for our families, our friends, ourselves, even our country, our president, the world. When we pray in the name of Jesus Christ we are using the power of the Holy Spirit. I urge you to use the tools we were given, our weapon is prayer, to defeat the enemy. We can defeat him, it is written that in the end he loses. Don't let him have one more soul. Fight in prayer, fight with prayer, be a prayer warrior.
Have a blessed week.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Blueberry Crisp - Weight Watchers Recipe
I am always experimenting with new Weight Watchers dessert recipes that are low in points and this Blueberry Crisp was delicious. It is very easy to make and it's gluten free, grain free, and sugar free which is always an added plus for me. It makes 4 very nice sized servings which are 6 points each.
I am a dessert lover. I love sweets after dinner and for years I have deprived myself of some of my favorite foods in my quest to loose weight. That is not something that happens since I started Weight Watchers. I am still careful about using sugar and flour, because for me there is a direct correlation between sugar and flour and inflammation in my body, but I no longer shy away from eating them either. I found that I couldn't live my life like that any longer. I want to be able to have to have a luscious and sweet treat after dinner or at some point during the day. Just like I want to be able to eat a chip or a cracker. I don't want to go through life feeling deprived any longer. One of the results of that change in thought and behavior is this delightfully, effortless Blueberry Crisp. I hope that you like it as much as I do.
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Blueberry Crisp A Weight Watchers Recipe
3 cups blueberries
1/2 cup Swerve Sweetener, Confectioners
Topping Ingredients:
2/3 cup Almond Flour
2 TB butter, melted
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
1/4 cup Swerve Sweetener, Confectioners
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray a small casserole dish or a 9 x 9 pan with . I use the Trader Joe's Coconut Oil non stick cooking spray.
In a large bowl mix blueberries, Swerve, and xantham gum. Then pour into the casserole dish.
Next, in another bowl, mix the almond flour, melted butter, lemon juice, lemon zest, and Swerve and crumble it over the blueberry mixture.
Bake in the over for 20 to 25 minutes, until lightly browned. Watch it carefully, because the almond flour burns easily.
Remove from oven and let it cool down. It is ready to serve once it cools a little.
I hope that you enjoy this new Weight Watchers Recipe. It is really easy to make and delicious to eat. I always love hearing from you. so send me your comments.
Have a great week.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray a small casserole dish or a 9 x 9 pan with . I use the Trader Joe's Coconut Oil non stick cooking spray.
In a large bowl mix blueberries, Swerve, and xantham gum. Then pour into the casserole dish.
Next, in another bowl, mix the almond flour, melted butter, lemon juice, lemon zest, and Swerve and crumble it over the blueberry mixture.
Bake in the over for 20 to 25 minutes, until lightly browned. Watch it carefully, because the almond flour burns easily.
Remove from oven and let it cool down. It is ready to serve once it cools a little.
I hope that you enjoy this new Weight Watchers Recipe. It is really easy to make and delicious to eat. I always love hearing from you. so send me your comments.
Have a great week.
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