Today's post is a departure from my normal posts. You have seen many changes on my blog over the last month, and there are more to come. I have been working on getting more followers, adding ads, and trying to make money. some of these things have worked, some have had mediocre results, and some have made me decide to reevaluate what direction I want to take Adorned From Above in the future.
I love all of you, and you are the reason I write Adorned From Above. When I started blogging, it was not to make money, but to share my recipes and ideas with other like minded bloggers. I love connecting with all of you. Over the next few weeks, I will be deciding on the direction that I want to take Adorned From Above, and I am going to keep all of you informed.
I have already made some changes. I will not longer work on Sunday's, and I am not sure about Saturday's yet. I will not longer stay up until 2AM working on the blog. That decision was made while on was on my cruise in February. All of you know that blogging can take over your life, but I feel that we are writing to improve our lives, and working 20 hours a day, is not improving anyone's life.
Now about making money blogging. Here is what I have learned during the grand experiment over the last month about making money blogging. (even harder work)
1. Adding ads - I have started with many different affiliates. Some work better then others. Sign up for these different affiliates, and then it is trial and error, for what works.
2. Promoting your ads - Some ads you can just put on your blog and people with click on them, but I have found that I must promote them. Which means writing posts and then promoting them on social media. ( Hard work and not always enjoyable)
3. Evaluating your ads - Once you have your ads up you will need to check them and evaluate how they are doing on your blog. I normally check daily, and move them around or remove them if they are not getting any clicks or conversions.
Now for the different affiliates that I have signed up with and what I have made. It's not a lot, but it is a starting point and I did better then I have done with Google's Adsense (February 5.44), but they all paid about the same this month.
Earnings for Month of March
You can sign up with each of these affiliates from their links below.
1. Integrate - $10.73
Has ads and giveaways. I enjoy working with them, and pick products that I think you might like. You do have to write and use social media to get people to some of their ads, but some sell themselves.
2. Escalate Network - $10.05
They do ads, coupons, giveaways and lots more. I like working with them also. Most of these just sell themselves.
3. Viralati - $4.82
This is super easy. You just pin the ads and giveaways. I check to see what they have each morning and pin away on my giveaway board. They don't always have a lot, but it's pretty easy to do, and if I spend 5 minutes a day, that would be a lot.
4. Join shareasale.com, Earn Cash! $11.72
I really like Share A Sale. The ads are easy to put on your blog, but I have found that I need to really try to send people to them. I love the Craftsy classes. I am getting ready to take a few.
5. Craftsy - part of my Share A Sale earnings
Is part of share a sale. You have to sign up for share A Sale first and then sign up for Craftsy. I love the Craftsy classes, I'm taking some this week.
6. Sponsored Tweets - $1.26
This is really easy. They give you the tweet, sometimes you have to change it a little, but simple to do. They don't have a lot, and they send you the offers. You can take them or not. This is for just 7 tweets and they take just a few seconds to do.
7. Google Adsense - $9.54
You can sign up for Adsense. They are easy to use, it is only Pay Per Click. You can add on the other part which is a Pay Per Conversion. It may pay more. I did it for a while, but had problems with my feeds, so I took the ad's out. I may retry them in the future.
Six Sisters Affliiates Sales $2.70
Just display their books and earn commissions. These are great books. I have learned a lot from them.
Total March Earnings $50.72
This is not great, but better then February's $5.44. I'll will give updates once a month on how different affiliates are doing. There are some other affiliates that I have signed up for, but not added yet. I will let you know how they do.
If you decide that you want to sign up for some of these affiliate programs, you can follow the links. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I had some difficulties with some of the forms and you may also, just let me know and I can send your information to my account managers, so that they can help you.
I hope this helps. I always love hearing from you.
Have a great week.
Thanks so much for sharing all this info! It can get so confusing in blogland and getting tried and true advice is so appreciated!
Great info, Debi! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteJenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
Great job, Debi, listing the various ways you've started to make money blogging. Thanks for the links also. Much appreciated! I'm trying some of these myself. Linda
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post, Debi. It sounds like a lot of time and effort. I appreciate getting the lowdown on how much each affiliate made you. I'm sure it will increase, but I'm with you on how it takes over your life when you blog. I think not doing Sundays is a great idea. It has helped me a lot to give myself permission not to blog. Hope you figure it all out.
Wow, you say its not a lot, but you increased your earnings 10 times in a month. That's pretty impressive for just starting out. And some of these take very little work.
ReplyDeleteIts true what you say about affiliate schemes - this is where the big commission can be, but to earn it, you have to promote your links.
Your blog looks great. And you should never apologise for trying to earn a little to cover all of the time spent producing all the great content you put out there for your readers.
Deby @ Moms Make Money
Thank you for sharing. I didn't know how to do this end of it. So appreciate this post. Pinned.
ReplyDeleteWe may have met by chance...but we become friends by choice.
Very interesting! I have to cut back on blogging. I am not responding to all comments anymore. I figure my time is better spent leaving comments for others. I'm also trying to cut back on the number of blog hop/links I participate in on a daily basis. I really need to take the time to evaluate the traffic each drives. I don't have much in the way of affiliates and I need to change that. I will check the ones you pointed out here. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this interesting post - I have no adds on my blog, yet, but it sounds interesting - especially the ones where you do not need to spend a lot of time promoting them - so grateful you share this info!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Thanks for sharing your experiences, I've been wanting to look into making my blog a potential source of income but have been putting it off because it all seems so confusing! I look forward to hearing more about your progress and conclusions!
ReplyDeleteThank you for these tips. I am a newbie to the blogosphere and there's a lot to learn. Lots of helpful information here.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the info! Really useful!
ReplyDeleteGosia @ www.kiddiefoodies.com
Thanks for the info. Some of these are things I've never heard of. I tried ShareAsale before and made very little... maybe even nothing, so I dropped it. But, maybe I had the wrong products on my blog. This is worth checking out. Thanks, Tina Boomerina